Thursday, August 15, 2013

Goodbye to Wheat

Now that I've decided to give this wheat free thing a try, it's pretty easy to look back and see that maybe, just maybe, I had a slight problem with wheat. Apparently wheat can be addictive in that you crave it more when you eat it, and it makes your blood sugar spike and then drop, causing you to be hungry about two hours after eating it (sound familiar?). This happens to me all the time. As a long-time vegetarian/pescatarian, I've relied on grains to round out my meals and satiate my sweet tooth. I was going through fairly recent pictures to add to the blog and noticed a trend.




Lots of bread!

But basically, wheat. Everywhere. I had no idea how much of it I was eating and the impact it could potentially have on my health. I'm excited to see how I feel over the next few weeks and if my cravings really go away like they say. After a few days without it though, I'm already feeling more mental clarity and less hunger. So long, wheat!

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