Friday, June 7, 2013

Artisan Breads

Summer schedule is set and I'm signed up for Artisan Breads. I like that the focus is on rustic, homemade looking bread instead of perfectly sculpted loaves (not my strong suit). We started with some artisanal poolish corn bread, which looked really pretty, but quite frankly, didn't taste so great. But it was fun to use bannetons and practice getting the different lines and cuts on the bread.

Then we made mozzarella from scratch (I didn't even know that was a thing!), which involved sticking your hands in boiling water and trying to mold cheese curds into a ball and then putting it in a salted ice bath. We also made some pizza crust and baked that with a little bit of olive oil, fresh mozzarella, sea salt, and basil on top. Un-be-liev-able. Must do this at home soon!

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